Stormwater Certification Group

The Next Generation of Certifications

Welcome to Stormwater Certification Group and the next generation of certifications. We have blended the reliable and proven certification process with the flexibility of our exam platform. Certifications have historically proven themselves to be an effective tool for MS4s to ensure compliance with their regulations. The reason Certifications work is because they drive education.

Certification that matches with your requirements

The individual that needs the Certification to conduct business in the MS4 will educate themselves to gain that Certification and in doing so will be allowed to do business in the MS4. The one drawback to existing Certifications is the lack of specificity in the knowledge base required to gain the certification. With our exam platform we can target the specific knowledge needed to pass the certification exam to any location/MS4.

No Cost to the MS4

Once an MS4 chooses to engage Stormwater Certification Group with their certification needs, a customized certification will be developed around their needs at no cost to the MS4. If the MS4 requires a preconstruction stormwater inspection, the individual will need to know it to pass the exam. If the MS4 requires an inspection after .25” rain event, it is on the exam. A certification built to include the unique requirements of the MS4 will provide better results than the one size fits all certification approach.

Customizable certification

SWCG is a company that provides a customizable Certification to meet the needs of each State and MS4.  We provide a new and practical way of certifying an individual knowledgebase which ensures the construction site and industrial facilities have personnel with the knowledge in the discipline and the location they are conducting business in.

Rapidly changing world

We live in a world with rapid changes, so continuing education is one of the key components to keep the certification in good standing. As the requirements of the MS4 change the exam will stay up to date with those changes.

Learn the correct answer

For the certification holder this approach allows you to educate yourself only on the things that apply to the area you are doing business in. It prevents you from learning something to pass an exam that conflicts with the regulations for that area. Due to the customizable aspect of our system you are only required to know the correct answer to the question.